Letter of Support for the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act

The Elizabeth Dole Foundation is proud to support legislation that will provide the families of wounded veterans, including children, with critical access to care and resources. Introduced to the House of Representatives by Representative Julia Brownley (D-CA) and in the United States Senate by Senator John Tester (D-MT), Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act would expand community-based services for aging veterans as well as improve VA support for veterans and caregivers of all ages. Addressed to Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT) and Ranking Member Jerry Moran (R-KS) of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, and Chairman Mike Bost (R-IL) and Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-CA) the letter is cosigned by the Foundation and its partners. Read the letter below. Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members: As national organizations representing service-disabled veterans and their caregivers, we are writing to thank you for your ongoing commitment to the well-being of our nation’s most vulnerable heroes. Together, we hope you quickly consider and pass the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act either as part of a veteran supported omnibus package or a standalone bill. The enactment of this bipartisan legislation will help to ensure that severely injured, ill, and aging veterans and their caregivers have access to a comprehensive suite of VA services necessary to age in place with well-deserved dignity and much-needed support. Most importantly, it would help veterans and their caregivers get the care and support they need now while ensuring that the required program infrastructure is available to serve veterans into the future. Disabled veterans and their families cannot wait any longer. Sincerely, The Elizabeth Dole Foundation Paralyzed Veterans of America AARP ALS Association Wounded Warrior Project IAM ALS Air Force Sergeants Association The Retired Enlisted Association Veterans of Foreign Wars American Legion Military Officers Association of America Blinded Veterans of America National Military Family Association Reserve Officers’ Association Blue Star Families America’s Warrior Partnership Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors The American Red Cross TEAM Public Choices Psycharmor Psych Hub Vets’ Community Connections Association of Military Banks K9s For Warriors Travis Manion Foundation Operation Homefront Project Sanctuary Modern Military Association of America US Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce Military Family Advisory Network Student Veterans of America Military Child Education Coalition RallyPoint Code of Support Easter Seals DC MD VA Partners in Promise Maxim Healthcare Services Hope for the Warriors Cohen Veterans Network Armed Services YMCA SolaMed Solutions Exceptional Families of the Military Nation's FinestWomen in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation, Inc.Easterseals, Inc.Red CrossD'Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military FamiliesDisabled American Veterans